
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

A Partnership Approach

In our school, if we feel a pupil needs more specialist help the SENCO can refer your child to outside agencies.  These services may assess your child’s needs through observation, specific tests, discussions with school staff and discussions with you. They will then advise on strategies to help your child.

We will ask for permission before referring your child to an outside agency except in the case of Pupil and School Support Services who are SEN teachers who visit the school and work alongside our school staff.

If an outside agency is involved with your child they will be invited to attend reviews and share what they have done with your child and any progress made.




Pupil and School Support Services (PSSS).

Children with learning difficulties

Educational Psychologist

Children with all types of difficulties

Behaviour Support Services

Children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Child and Adolescent Mental Health services (CAMHS)

Children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and their families

Speech and Language Therapy

Children with language and communication difficulties

Visiting Teacher Service

Children who are hearing and/or visually impaired and children who have communication difficulties

Big Community

Children with emotional and speech difficulties
They also provide family support

Victoria Outreach

Children with physical difficulties e.g. poor coordination, balance etc.

Child Development Centre

Children with medical issues


If there is more than one agency involved with your child they will all be invited to attend reviews so there can be an informed and joined up approach to working with your child. Your child may also be invited and you can bring along someone to support you who knows your child well.

If you need extra support in dealing with your child’s SEN, including attending reviews, you can contact SEN Partnership Service on 0121 303 5004