
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our intention for SEND at Oasis Academy Woodview is to ensure that all children receive a high quality and ambitious education regardless of learning needs or disabilities. We are passionate and committed to building character by inspiring and equipping our children to have aspiring futures.

Through our high-quality inclusive teaching we strive to provide a personalised, broad and balanced curriculum ensuring that children make progress from their starting points. Through adaptive planningresponsive teaching and where necessary, personalised curriculums, we ensure that learning is accessible for all children. We ensure staff are equipped with the most up to date and relevant knowledge -  and receive training which supports the provision put in place for children with SEND in the classrooms.

We empower our community by building strong relationships with parents, carers and outside agencies with the support of our community hub through clear communicationearly identification and intervention. We are committed to this partnership where our aim is to develop our provision for SEND so that children are equipped with the tools to be independent, successful life-long learners.


Our Sensory Room


Calming zones: The rocket room, Super space and sensory tents:


Visuals to support

SEND Local Offer

Please see below the brand new SEND Local Offer website video which has been created to promote the site and its resources.

The SEND Local Offer website includes information, advice, support and resources for SEND families, professionals, children, young people and schools in Birmingham.

SEND Support

Birmingham Local Authority have launched their new local offer support website for children with SEND. You can find it here:

They are working on this each week and are welcoming feedback from parents as to the layout and information being provided, so take a look.

If you need any support  you can also contact SEND Parent Link Contact Line: 0121303 8461 or email

Birmingham Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Tel: 0121 303 5004 (8:45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday), Email

Alternatively, you can write to: SENDIASS, The POD, 28 Oliver St, Nechells, Birmingham B7 4NX

If you need further support in understanding the ASD and ADHD assessment pathway please follow this link:


Online Primary CAT letter Summer 2023

Greenmeadow Primary CAT letter Summer 2023

Bishop Vesey Secondary CAT letter Summer 2023

SEND Therapy Team

Be Empowered Workshop

BEW Booking form