
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Oasis’ ethos is based on an overarching theme of Inclusion; welcoming, encouraging and enabling all to achieve their best whatever the challenges may be in doing so.

As an Academy we:

  • Identify children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and ensure provision is made in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice
  • Have an appointed SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
  • Invest in whole academy and targeted training for staff
  • Ensure that teaching is inclusive and support practices are embedded throughout the academy
  • Ensure that all teachers understand that they are teachers of SEND
  • Plan for transitions across all Key Stages
A message from our SENDCo

Hello and welcome to Oasis Academy Woodview’s Special Educational Needs zone.  

My name is Miss Allen (SENDCo). Everyone at our school is a teacher of SEND and I work closely with teachers and support staff to ensure that provision is in place so that all our children can demonstrate the progress they have made and we can celebrate their success. Every decision we make as a school has our children's best interests at the forefront. 

I work alongside outside agencies to ensure our staff and children have the most relevant training and tools to support the children in our care. It is quite common for children to require additional support to help them at some point in their schooling. 

The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, regardless of differing needs. If a student has special educational needs or disability needs (SEND), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them.

We endeavour for every child to make good or better progress from their starting point not just educationally but also in their ability to socialise and apply strategies taught to everyday situations. At Woodview we have a Pastoral Support Team, who works with children across the school in class and social groups to support our children in all areas of their learning as well as their well-being. 

For more information on how we support children with SEND in our school please read our SEND information report or contact the school office for a meeting.

Our Sensory Room

Our Commitment to Equality

Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences.

The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, regardless of differentiating needs. If a student has special educational needs or disability needs (SEND), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them. Further information on the policy and provision for SEND can be obtained from the Academy. Students with SEND who do not have statements of special educational needs or an Educational Health Care Plan will be admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with the Academy’s admissions policy.

Where a student has a statement or Education Healthcare Plan, and the Local Authority is proposing to name the Academy in the statement, the Academy will agree to the student’s admission. The only reason for not doing so is if the inclusion of that student would be incompatible with the education of other children and there are no reasonable steps the Academy could take to resolve this. If there is a disagreement between the Academy and the Local Authority on the placement of a student, there is a voluntary dispute resolution service backed up by the Secretary of State’s power to intervene. In the last, resort parents can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SENDIST) Tribunal.

Our Pastoral Support Room

Calming zones: The rocket room, Super space and sensory tents:


Visuals to support

SEND Local Offer

Please see below the brand new SEND Local Offer website video which has been created to promote the site and its resources.

The SEND Local Offer website includes information, advice, support and resources for SEND families, professionals, children, young people and schools in Birmingham.



SEND Support

Birmingham Local Authority have launched their new local offer support website for children with SEND. You can find it here:

They are working on this each week and are welcoming feedback from parents as to the layout and information being provided, so take a look.

If you need any support  you can also contact SEND Parent Link Contact Line: 0121303 8461 or email

Birmingham Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

Tel: 0121 303 5004 (8:45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday), Email

Alternatively, you can write to: SENDIASS, The POD, 28 Oliver St, Nechells, Birmingham B7 4NX

If you need further support in understanding the ASD and ADHD assessment pathway please follow this link:


Online Primary CAT letter Summer 2023

Greenmeadow Primary CAT letter Summer 2023

Bishop Vesey Secondary CAT letter Summer 2023

SEND Therapy Team

Be Empowered Workshop

BEW Booking form