Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance at Oasis Academy Woodview is co-ordinated by our Assistant Principal Mr Sanghera and our Attendance Officer Mrs Sarwar, who oversee the school attendance on a daily basis.
Attendance and Access to the School Site:
We absolutely love seeing your smiling faces every morning!
School doors open at 8:40am every morning to allow time for your child to reach their classrooms on time. Doors close at 8:55am to allow registration to take place.
If your child is in after 8:55am please be aware they will need to be brought to the office as doors are closed promptly at this time, they must be signed in by a parent/carer and a reason must be given for the lateness. Therefore, this will result in a late mark (L).
If a child arrives at the academy after 9:30am they will receive an unauthorised absence (O) mark for the session.
Be punctual and set good routines, as persistent lateness will affect their attendance.
Safeguarding and Absence including Home Visits:
We understand at times that there can be genuine reasons for absences. Please remember to keep the Academy Office informed. As per our safeguarding procedures if contact is not made then our safeguarding team may carry out a home visit as we have an obligation to ensure your child is safe and well whilst they attend our Academy.
Please note that even if you have contacted our office team, we may conduct a home visit following several days of absence.
Attendance is coordinated alongside our safeguarding and pastoral team:
Is my child too ill for school?
It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school when they're unwell. At Woodview we follow the NHS guidelines that state the following:
If your child is too ill to attend the academy, please ensure you report this to the Academy Office. If your child becomes unwell at school, they will be assessed by class teachers and first aiders, who will determine if they are suitable to remain in the Academy. If they need to be sent home parents/carers will be contacted.
- Always ring the school to let us know where your child is and why they are absent
- If your child has been ill, encourage them to attend as soon as they are fit and able
In line with the DFE guidance, our Academy will only accept prescribed medicines (for more than 3x per day) if these are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. The exception to this is insulin, which must still be in date, but will generally be available to schools inside an insulin pen or a pump, rather than in its original container.
A medication consent form must be completed by the parent / carer in all circumstances where medication is required to be taken into the Academy.
Medical Appointments:
We encourage medical appointments to be made outside of school hours where possible. If this is unavoidable, we will require proof of an appointment to enable us to mark down registrations accordingly.
Leave of absence:
Leave of absence requests need to be submitted to the school office, 2 weeks prior to the travel date. Only take your child out of school in exceptional circumstances and try to book holidays during the school breaks to ensure your child doesn’t key learning.
Absence Flowchart:
Please note the following flowchart to explain our Academy policy for absence monitoring in guidance with the Department for Education, Birmingham Support First initiative, KCSiE and our Oasis Community Learning Policy. Dependent upon circumstances we may conduct a home visit at any point during your child’s absence.
The Department for Education (DfE) requires schools to only grant leave of absence (LOA) during term time in exceptional circumstances. The DfE does not consider a desire for a holiday to be an exceptional circumstance.
Please see the DFE Guidance for further clarification.